Makerspaces are all the rage these days and for a good reason! They offer a space for people to come together and create things. Libraries are the perfect place for makerspaces because they provide access to tools and resources that people might not have otherwise. This article will discuss the top three makerspace activities for libraries!

  1. Robotics: Robotics is one of the most popular makerspace activities, and for a good reason! Robotics lets people explore technology hands-on, allowing them to create things like robots and drones. Libraries can use robotics kits to help their patrons build and program their robots or partner with local schools or organizations that offer robotics classes to bring these activities into space.
  2. Electronics: Electronic kits are another prevalent type of makerspace activity. Library patrons can learn how components work together with electronic kits by creating custom circuits or programming microcontrollers. Many companies offer electronic kits at different skill levels and price points, making it easy for libraries to find ones that suit their patrons’ needs.
  3. 3D printing: Libraries of all sizes have offered 3D printing services to their communities to support the growing maker movement. With 3D printers, patrons can design and create objects in plastic or metal from scratch using computer-assisted design (CAD) software and print them out on the printer. In addition to supporting many other types of makerspace activities, libraries with 3D printers can offer classes for users interested in learning more about this technology or just needing help with the process.

We hope this information has been helpful to you.

By G S

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