Ecopsychology is a new branch of psychology that helps people live in harmony with the environment. You can use three ecopsychology techniques to make yourself happier: ecotherapy, ecodelic therapy, and ecobiz. Ecotherapy is the practice of going outdoors for things like hiking or fishing. It’s important to note that it may take time before this becomes enjoyable if you’re not used to being outside.
You should also be mindful when choosing ecopsychological activities because some outdoor activities have environmental impacts too! Ecodelics are substances made from plants and plant extracts which mimic natural psychedelics such as LSD or “magic” mushrooms without any harmful side effects on your body and brain.
Ecobiz is the practice of using ecopsychology for business by creating products or services that positively impact people and ecosystems.
Ecopsychology is an emerging field of study which can make you healthier, happier, and more environmentally aware. Check Wikipedia for more information.