A firewall expert witness is someone who has specific knowledge about firewall systems and how they work. They provide testimony on behalf of a person or company that is being sued for copyright infringement, trademark violation, patent infringement, or any other reason where the firewall system may play a role in the case.

The following are three things you should know about firewall expert witnesses:

1) A firewall expert witness must have extensive knowledge of firewalls

2) A firewall expert witness can be called as an adverse party if their testimony could destroy your case

3) Firewall experts will typically charge more than other types of experts because it takes extra time to prepare for cases involving them

A firewall expert witness is a person who is hired to provide testimony in court on behalf of a person or company that is being sued for copyright infringement, trademark violation, patent infringement, or any other reason where the firewall system may play a role in the case.

By G S

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