Baby bathing can be a nightmare for any parent if the child starts crying as soon as the water is involved. Introducing baby bath toys is a great way to make bath time a fun and learning experience for babies. To know how? – read the guide below.

1: Distracts the baby

If your baby gets anxious when it comes to water, introducing colorful toys with different sounds and shapes can distract the baby from the anxiousness. This can help save parent’s efforts to forcefully pulling their babies into a bathtub.

2: Learning process

Bath toys can help build learning skills in babies. While their motor skills can significantly be improved by touching and squeezing their bath toys, they also learn to identify floating alphabets or numbers, colors, shapes, and animal names while they are in their bath.

3: Provides Bonding Time

These toys help parents create bonding time with their little one by playing along with him/ her during baths. It also helps them interact and teach new things to their baby, making baby time, fun, interesting, and special.

Baby bath toys are the best gift for a toddler. However, to make baby bath time become more of a playtime or exploration time, introduce these toys when your baby is between 6-8 months old.

By G S

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