Apricots are delicious fruit that can be enjoyed fresh or dried. Apricots are also a good source of vitamin A and potassium. Apricots are also a good source of dietary fiber. Apricots are available fresh from May to August, and dried apricots are available year-round. You can also buy apricot seeds, which offer some health benefits.
Apricot seeds contain high levels of vitamin B17, also known as laetrile. Vitamin B17 is a nutrient that is found in many fruits and vegetables. Laetrile is believed to help fight cancer by destroying cancer cells. Apricot seeds also contain high levels of antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals can contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer and heart disease. All in all, there is no doubt that buying apricot seeds is a great way to boost your health!