Do you know what Echocardiography is? Echocardiography is a diagnostic test that uses ultrasound to create images of the heart. It is used to diagnose and treat heart conditions. If you are considering having an Echocardiogram done, or if you have questions about the procedure, this article is for you!

What should I know about this?

Echocardiography is a painless, non-invasive procedure. The test takes about 30 minutes to an hour to complete. The gel is applied to your chest during the test, and a transducer is placed on your skin. The transducer sends sound waves that bounce off your heart and create images on a screen. A cardiologist will interpret the images to diagnose any heart conditions you may have.

There are several different types of Echocardiograms:

  • Transthoracic Echocardiogram (TTE): This is the most common type of Echocardiogram. It is done outside of the hospital and does not require any special preparation.
  • Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE): This type of Echocardiogram is done in the hospital. A tube is inserted down your throat and esophagus to get a better view of your heart. You will be given a sedative to help you relax during the procedure.
  • Stress Echocardiogram: This test is used to see how well your heart works under stress. You will exercise on a treadmill or bike while images of your heart are taken. If you cannot exercise, you may be given medication to make your heart work harder.
  • Fetal Echocardiogram: This test is done during pregnancy to check for any congenital heart defects in the baby.

We hope this information has been useful to you.

By G S

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