Drag queen padding could be one of the most important tools that you ever use in your act. The right products can give you the soft, eye-catching curves that you’ve always wanted. They can also help you strategically reshape your entire physique. This is especially important for tribute performers with very specific looks that they want to achieve. In addition to choosing the right pads, however, you also have to know how to apply these products properly.

To start, you always want to make sure that you have a smooth and beautifully seamless look once your entire costume is on. This can be accomplished by limiting the amount of padding that you add to any one area, and by making sure that pads are gently graded to produce natural-looking slopes. Less is definitely more when adding pads. As with make-up, the goal is to accentuate and showcase your natural beauty while only subtly enhancing it.

By G S

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