Skateboard wheel bearings are essential components for a smooth and safe ride. Without them, you won’t be able to enjoy the thrill of skateboarding. Here’s why skateboard wheel bearings are so important.

First, skateboard wheel bearings help keep your wheels spinning smoothly and evenly. Without proper lubrication, the wheels can become sluggish or even stop completely due to friction caused by dirt or other particles interfering with their rotation. This is why it’s important to regularly clean and lubricate your skateboard wheel bearings so they can perform optimally at all times.

Second, skateboard wheel bearings also help protect your board from wear and tear over time. The bearing parts provide a cushion between the board and the surface of the ground as you ride along, which reduces friction that would otherwise cause premature damage to both your board and its components such as trucks or risers. In addition, these parts absorb some of the shocks that come with riding on rough terrain which prevents further damage from occurring due to shock waves travelling through the board’s structure upon impact with an obstacle or uneven surface on the road ahead.

Finally, having properly functioning skateboard wheel bearings ensures that you have a safe ride each time you take off on your board — no matter where you’re going.

By G S

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