Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Business News on the Fly

The Mystery Creek Fieldays 2020

The singular traffic to Mystery Creek Fieldays 2020 will be digital. This is following the organizers’ decision to hold this event later in the year. In an attempt to fill the void left by the global pandemic, Covid-19, the Southern Hemisphere’s biggest agricultural event has been planned to happen virtually. The economic and social disruption brought about by the pandemic has really narrowed down the feasibility of holding the physical Fieldays this year.

The major focus at the moment is to ensure the success of the virtual event and also to look into preparations for next year’s physical event. The possibility of hosting two physical events next year is still blurred due to financial constraints.

Nevertheless, the virtual experience promises to create a totally new spin on this annual event at the comfort of your home while at the same time retaining all its valuable and treasured parts and moreover being global