The cost of metal buildings is relative to your use for the building. If you are using it for a home, you might place a higher price on the cost of the building. On the other hand, if you are using it for storage, you value might go down from that of a home. Metal building prices range from the simplest building’s cost to that of a significantly more complex structure.
The simplest structure, such as a carport could cost as little as $1,095 to as much as $1,395. The more complex structure of a storage building can cost between $5,070 and $7,568. Barns which are much larger running as much as 30 feet x 40 feet can cost $7.50 to $8.50 per square foot for a prefabricated metal building. A home measuring over 3,000 square feet could cost up to $20 to $70 per square foot.
Metal building prices are related to the detail include in the structure and the amount of effort required to construct the foundation.