Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Business News on the Fly

What Is A Hosted Desktop?

A hosted desktop looks and works just like a standard computer desktop except that its settings, data and operating system are delivered over the internet and maintained by a hosted desktop provider. This has many advantages but the main one is that a user can work on their personal desktop, configured as they prefer, no matter where they are located as long as they have access to the internet.

A hosted desktop provider saves companies the cost of buying, implementing and maintaining a server themselves. Businesses can take advantage of the latest technology and applications for a fraction of the price since they are charged based on the number of users and the processing they require. This means they always have access to their desired level of storage capacity, memory, processing power and bandwidth and these can be scaled up or down as required. In addition, backups are stored automatically and securely with the latest fixes and security updates in place.