What is a prolonged PR interval? This is a question that many people don’t know the answer to. The PR interval is the time it takes for the electrical signal to travel from the atria (upper chambers of your heart) to the ventricles (lower chambers of your heart). When this interval is prolonged, it can be a sign that there is a problem with your heart.

What should I know about this?

Some possible causes of a prolonged interval include abnormal conduction pathways in the heart, certain medications that slow down electrical activity, and conditions such as heart disease or congenital heart defects.

While this interval may not cause any symptoms, it can indicate underlying issues with your heart health. See a doctor if you have a prolonged PR interval, as it could lead to complications such as arrhythmia or even heart failure. Treatments for this interval vary depending on the underlying cause but can include medication or surgery.

We hope this information has been useful to you.

By G S

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