Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Business News on the Fly

What you don’t know about Erection Rings

Here’s how the ED ring works…

When you wrap the self-adjusting restriction band around the base of the penis, it applies proper pressure to the veins, stopping blood from leaving.

It’s sensitive enough to let all of your arterial blood flow into your penis, resulting in a continuous erection.

Blood is trapped within your penis as a result of the restriction band. Blood will engorge the penis, making it stronger and thicker than ever before. Your penis will swell, and your veins will bulge, adding thickness to the region.

The bulging veins will give your penis a dildo look, increasing her gratification and assisting her in reaching orgasm.

The erection ring will:

• Create an intense sexual feeling in your whole penis.

• Make your penis thicker and harder to maximize her sensitivity.

• Allow you to regulate your ejaculation for as long as you want.

• Keep the strongest erection right after orgasm.

• Induce sexual ecstasy and orgasmic bliss in your partner