The manufacture of the clothes we wear has a significant impact on the environment and there is a growing trend to use sustainable fabric in their production. Following are some fabrics produced from natural materials that can be used sustainably:
• Recycled Cotton – this is one of the most common and popular fabrics for making clothes but the plant requires large amounts of water and chemicals to grow. Cotton is, however, recyclable and this could be a way to make it more environmentally friendly.
• Hemp – this plant has been used for hundreds of years to make fabrics. It is easy to grow, requires almost no pesticides, no irrigation, and naturally fertilizes the soil it grows in. It is one of the most sustainable plants available for making fabric.
• Linen – this is another natural fiber that has a long history of use for making fabric. The flax plant, from which linen is made, requires little water or pesticides and the fabric produced from it is strong and fully biodegradable.