Septic tank is full: A septic system or septic tank is a sewage treatment installation that can be either connected to a sewer line, drain field, or dispersed on the ground. It typically consists of three components: a septic tank, an optional soakaway (or drainage layer), and an underground leach field. It treats household sewage from toilets and drains before returning it to the environment via subsurface soil absorption fields.
Septic tanks are designed for specific flow rates, so if too much waste enters them too quickly, they will overflow into your yard/soakaway.
There are a few reasons why your septic tank might be full:
- You have more people living in your home than when the septic tank was installed or last pumped
- You are using more water than normal, flushing extra toilet paper, and rinsing lots of dishes
- You’ve added something to your wastewater that the septic tank can’t break down, like grease or baby wipes
A septic tank should be emptied every 5-7 years, depending on usage, to prevent it from overflowing.
Due to excess solids, the septage waste can become too thick for the septic leach field.