Cotton fabric recycled into new products is a sustainable way to reduce waste. Instead of adding to landfills, old cotton clothes, sheets, and towels can be transformed into something new. A simple process makes it possible.
First, the fabric is graded and sorted by color and weight. Then, it is shredded into small hanks for carding. Carding untangles the fibers and forms them into a web. This web is then spun into new yarns. These yarns can be used to create anything from reusable grocery bags to new clothes.
Why recycle cotton fabric? Well, first of all, cotton is a crop that requires a lot of water and pesticides to grow. By using recyclable cotton instead of new cotton, we can save water and reduce the amount of chemicals in our environment. Additionally, recycling cotton reduces the amount of textile waste that ends up in landfills, where it can take years to decompose.
So, the next time you clean out your closet, think twice before throwing away your old cotton clothes. Donate them to a textile recycling program, so the cotton can be given a second life.
By recycling cotton fabric, we can reduce waste and resources used to create new cotton. Plus, we get to enjoy new and unique products. It’s a win-win situation.