Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Business News on the Fly

Scrum Webinar – What You Need To Know

Nowadays, a scrum webinar is a tool that any business or organization can use to promote its products. Scrum is an agile, creative process that involves building, testing, and tweaking a product in small increments over days, weeks, or months. Scrum aims to build product functionality, usability, quality, and security into one product or project. With scrum product development, the scrum master focuses on the customer’s needs and develops the product following those needs. In contrast to a typical sales or marketing meeting, in which the objective is to sell the product, the scrum master works only with the customer and tries to create a better user experience.

Scrum works best when implemented within a traditional sales environment and is thus often incorporated within a conference call program. Salespeople can use webinars to promote new releases, new products, seminars, training or workshops. Webinars are also a great way of improving personal productivity.