The ‘End of Gout’ is an ebook written by Shelly Manning that claims it can teach sufferers of gout a method for eliminating the condition that does not involve drugs or invasive surgery. The book claims that gout can be overcome in weeks by simply using foods that can be bought from any local supermarket; by consuming certain foods, beverages and ingredients, the author claims, gout can be reversed permanently.
One End of Gout review states that a woman who had suffered for three years from this painful condition managed to overcome her symptoms within weeks of reading the book. It is important to note that health professionals say that there is no known cure for gout, an form of inflammatory arthritis that causes considerable pain to sufferers. There is, however, no evidence to prove the claims in the book that gout can be treated through diet. The sellers provide a 60 day refund if a purchaser is not satisfied with the book.